Thursday, May 8, 2008

McCain Assures Conservatives of His Stance on Judges Hide quoted text -

---------- Forwarded message ----------From: barry levine <>Date: Wed, May 7, 2008 at 11:21 AMSubject: McCain Assures Conservatives of His Stance on JudgesTo:

To the Editor: When Ms. Bumiller writes: of the "judicial philosophy of President Bush and other recent Republican presidents who sought judges who generally construed laws as narrowly as possible" she parrots the RNC's rhetoric without comparing it to reality. This current court, lead by chief Justice Roberts has been consistently activist. In the Medellin case, they recently went so far as to rule that the supremacy clause of our Constitution does not mean what it says. A narrow construction of the Constitution would agree with two hundred years of jurisprudence that our foreign treaties have the force of law. Under the banner of "conservatism" this administration has turned our legal system over to radicals.Barry Levine1142 Brown AveLafayette, CA 94549

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