Wednesday, November 4, 2015

: re: 20 Years After Rabin, Israeli Politics Have Shifted

From: barry levine
Date: Wed, Nov 4, 2015 at 2:47 PM
Subject: re: 20 Years After Rabin, Israeli Politics Have Shifted
To: ""

To the Editor:
     With twenty years hindsight, neither of the polar views that dominated Israeli discourse at the time of Rabin's murder make sense. On one hand, Greater Israel from the Jordan to the Sea would establish a nonsensical "Jewish State" in which Jews were a minority. On the other hand, "Land for Peace"--which worked with Egypt--in the West Bank would require that a non-State entity enforce the terms of a peace on its people. That's also nonsense. The power that can enforce such terms is called a "State".
     The status quo is unsustainable and indefensible. As Yishayahu Liebowitz laid out in 1967, "the Occupation must be ended not because that will bring peace, but because it is immoral." Only then can two States negotiate a peace that each can enforce on its own people.
Barry Haskell Levine

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