Wednesday, July 13, 2011

With Blunt, Salty Talk, Panetta Era Begins

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: barry levine 
Date: Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 10:00 AM
Subject: re: With Blunt, Salty Talk, Panetta Era Begins

To the Editor:
  I am not immune to secretary Panetta's blunt charm, but I attend to his words more than to his tone. His tenure at the CIA began with a promise that "no CIA agent will be prosecuted for torture". Surely that was a decision above his pay-grade.  Was this a promise that he would obstruct justice? Or that his masters did not intend to see that these Laws be faithfully prosecuted?  As secretary of Defense, we now entrust him with billions of our dollars and with the lives of our sons and daughters. We deserve to know if he means to abide by our laws.
Barry Haskell Levine

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