Monday, May 10, 2010

Holder Backs a Miranda Limit for Terror Suspects

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: barry levine 
Date: Mon, May 10, 2010 at 9:59 AM
Subject: re: Holder Backs a Miranda Limit for Terror Suspects

To the Editor:
  Anyone who doubted the urgency of prosecuting Bush-era violations of our laws against warrantless wiretaps and torture didn't have to wait long for the answer.  The very next administration has now opined that your Rights are not Rights when they're inconvenient to the State.  If Miranda rights are Rights, then it is not at the discretion of the police to grant them or not; our Rights are ours. We can be rightly deprived of life or liberty or property--or our silence--only through the due process of a court of law.  The Separation of Powers was not a quaint eighteenth century exercise in philosophy. It remains the foundation of a legitimate representative democracy. We should all be worried that this administration now undermines it.
Barry Levine

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