Monday, April 27, 2009

Obama Resisting Push for Interrogation Panel

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: barry levine <>
Date: Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 8:39 AM
Subject: re: Obama Resisting Push for Interrogation Panel

To the Editor:
   In 1989, the United States signed and ratified the UN Protocols on Torture. If president Obama finds that complying with this treaty by investigating and prosecuting torture conflicts with his initiatives going forward, it is his initiatives that have to make room. As professor Obama taught thousands of us, our treaty obligations are the "supreme law in the land"; they are not contingent on political convenience.  Investigating and prosecuting torture is not only required, it is not only right. It will advance president Obama's initiatives going forward. After all, any nation would have to be delusional to sign new treaties or accords with the United States as long as we oppose enforcing the treaties we have already ratified.
Barry Levine

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