Friday, February 15, 2008

Delay is sought by Justice Dept. on C.I.A. Inquiry 12/15/07

Delay is sought by Justice Dept. on C.I.A. Inquiry"

To the Editor: Judge Mukasey's expansive view of Executive power, and his stingyview of Due Process were known at the time of his confirmationshearings as Attorney General. The surprise came when senator Feinsteinendorsed him before he had finished defying the Judiciary committee'squestioning. Now as Attorney General, he has refused to provideinformation to the Congressional committees charged with oversight ofour Intelligence services. Congress is now faced with a stark choice;it can charge mr. Mukasey with Contempt of Congress, or it can confessthat it lacks the teeth to enforce the people's mandate and theConstitution. It cannot exercise its proper oversight function whilecontinuing to capitulate to the Executive's cult of secrecy.Barry Levine1142 Brown AveLafayette, CA 94549510 220 6948

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